1. Attacks Obama (cites inexperience)
2. Claims Obama wants to redistribute wealth while he wants to spread it. Note: What exactly is the difference between the two, besides semantics?
3. Says the past 8 years have not worked economically speaking and accuses Obama of wanting to raise gov spending, but does not mention that by wanting to continue the war in Iraq, Mccain wants to continue one of the biggest expenses on our government's budget
4. Talks about his war veteran-hood
5. Speaks about cutting business taxes to stimulate economy. By business taxes, he means corporate taxes. Low corporate taxes are part of what led to the Great Depression.
6. Says he won't spend 750 billion to bail out Wallstreet, despite the fact that he was for the 750 billion bailout plan
7. Speaks about oil-drilling in Alaska as a solution to both high oil prices and energy dependence, despite experts' agreeing that drilling would take at least 5-10 years before it would have any effect, and that effect would be minimal
8. Mccain believes in this country while Obama does not. Mccain will fight for it as he has in the past. Mccain also implies voting for Obama would make America less safe.
1. Professes faith in American people and gratitude to them for getting him this far
2. Says the crisis is bad and shows that the trickle-down theory of the past 8 years has failed
3. Says Mccain has "served this country honorably" and commends him for standing up to Pres. Bush on torture. Says however, that he has voted for all Bush tax cuts and agreed w Bush on economy and that even now "Senator Mccain has still not been able to tell the American people a single major thing he'd do differently than President Bush when it comes to the economy" This mixing of legitimate criticism with praise shows him to be more of a gentleman than Mccain, who merely attacked Obama vs Obama who attacks a specific position of Mccains, not Mccain himself, and even praised the man
3. Obama speaks about how Mccain has been attacking him and calling him names in order to win but it is time to show that those tactics do not work
4. He says America has had difficult times before and overcome them. Now we're in a difficult time and we must/can overcome it.
5. He says the gov's job is not to solve everyone's problems, but to "do what we can not do for ourselves". He then talks about America as the land of opportunity, and goes into details about his tax plan, citing exact figures. He talks about a 3000 dollar tax credit to companies for each job created on American soil, as well as job opportunities created by improving infrustructure (roads, bridges, etc. A recent NY Times article cited incredible need to improve infrastructure. Also, this tactic was used by FDR to create jobs during the Great Depression.) He then talks about investing in alternative energy sources. Note: This is more effective in the long term than Mccain's oil drilling, because it is more enviromentally friendly, cuts down energy dependence completely (as opposed to Mccain's plan which just minimizes it) and plans for the day when oil will run out/other countries will realize it is running out - and come running to whoever has the technology to replace oil with other energy sources. It thus could one day stimulate the economy, not to mention the jobs - both low-skill (physical labour involved in producing these technologies) and high-skill (thinking of the technologies, etc) it provides until that day comes, while strengthening the US's scientific clout in the world.
4. He then speaks about the need to improve education and healthcare. He says that an era of irresponsibility in which we forgot our responsibilities to each other and common sense of purpose led to this economic crisis, and we must renew our common sense of purpose and responsibility to each other in order to get out of it.
5. He then cites his belief in the American people to bring about change and the need to continue to hope. He ends by saying "God bless America". It is interesting that Mccain did not mention God at all, but pegs himself as the more religious candidate in order to get votes.