Wednesday, July 23, 2008


After perusing too many papers and news websites, I decided to start this blog. I hope it will be a place to discuss certain current events, societal trends, and newspaper articles that interest me. It may occasionally touch upon Israel. So, a few notes on that topic by way of introduction:

I support Israel's right to exist. I make no apology for this, just as I do not apologize for my support of the USA's right to exist, or India's right to exist. Support of a country's right to exist does not equal support of that country's policies. Indeed, I have many problems with policies of the current Israeli and American governments. I don't know enough about India's government to comment, though I'm sure that if I did enough research I'd find something to disapprove of.

I've often been told that because I never served in the army, I have no right to comment on Israel's domestic and foreign policies. As a human being however, I have the right to comment on the behavior of any country. I do not however, have the right to enforce my opinion by voting. Israel is not exempt from this rule merely because it has compulsory military service.

 As a Jew, I arguably have an extra right to comment on Israel's policies, since it is a "Jewish State". The question then becomes: Given that Israel is a Jewish state, what are my obligations to it as a Jew, and what are its obligations to me as a Jew? I am not sure there is an answer to that question, but I do think it is one worth pondering.

In any event, I shall comment on events in Israel as I see fit, while keeping that question in mind. Perhaps this blog will help me find an answer.


Anonymous said...

"I've often been told that because I never served in the army, I have no right to comment on Israel's domestic and foreign policies."

Ugh, I get this all the time. Worse though is the "you don't live here! Don't think reading arutz7 means you know what's going on!"
"Uh... I wouldn't go near arutz7 with a ten foot pole... but thanks... assface."

Okay, for real, I only commented because I want to know who you are. Do we know each other in Real Life?

InternationalVoyeur said...

Are you telling me you don't remember that magical night we spent together in Tel Aviv?

Or was that merely a fantasy?